First Post!

We have touched thousands of pieces of clothing.  

As a consignment boutique, our knowledge of clothing isn't specialized to one brand or price point. Along with researching hundreds of retailers and designers, we have to keep up on current trends so our inventory isn't dated or out of touch.

Selecting, pricing, and preparing clothing from a wide variety of styles and decades has taught us a lot--and we want to share some of our wisdom with you.

But for us, it's not just about the clothes. We love parties, arts and crafts, the holidays, and our East Hills neighborhood.

Our blog will be a space where we document special events and parties, display our crafty decorations and window installations, share our inventory in creative ways, and provide a few fashion tips along the way.

Keep an eye out for our next post on August 15.  We hope you are as excited as we are!

Want to get more connected with RPS?  

Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and sign up for our e-mail list below.