Looking Back: 2016 Collaborations

Happy 2017 everybody! We are so excited to see all of your adorable clothes and accessories come pouring in after your New Years closet-cleanse. It's 2017, and it's time to freshen up your wardrobe!

For most of us, New Years is all about the future. We think about where we are going, where we want to be, and how we are going to get there. At Rock Paper Scissors, we love resolutions as much as the rest, but we can't help but reflect on this past year.

It has been an amazing year, to say the least. We have a new logo, a new storefront, a new website, a blog (!), and new customers and consignors. Perhaps the most exciting of these developments has been our collaborations with local bloggers and photographers.

Here are some of our favorite 2016 collabs:

1. Fall Editorial with Jaime Skriba

This last fall, we partnered with Jaimie Skriba for our Fall Editorial. We had so much fun pairing different pieces to communicate just the look we were going for: farm-to-fashion 90s grunge. Take a look at some of our favorite shots below:

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2. Styled shoot with KaitCole

For another fall photoshoot, local photographer KaitCole borrowed some of our clothing and accessories to pair with her own. We couldn't believe that we found someone almost more excited about our inventory than us!

3. GrabGR

If you are searching for the next hot GR event or restaurant, look no further than GrabGR: Maya David always has the latest scoop. Maya also connected us with another awesome West Michigan-lifestyle blog: Modish Mitten.

Take a look at a few of GrabGR's RPS posts here.

4. Social Sweets

For our fifth birthday, we celebrated with a custom candy bar provided by Zhara Sadry of Social Sweets. If you are hosting a party and need ideas for spreads and party favors, contact Zhara to co-design your own candy bar down to the very last treat.

Let's get together.

If you want to collaborate with RPS, send us a message. We are always up for hosting parties and styling photo shoots, but any and all ideas are welcome.